Pavel Panchekha
- 1 (201) 421-4942
I study mechanical reasoning and synthesis for domain-specific languages, such as floating-point numerical programs and web page layout code, as an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah.
Table of Contents
Spineless Traversal for Layout Invalidation
PLDI'25: Kirisame, Wang, Panchekha arxiv
Mixing Condition Numbers and Oracles for Accurate Floating-point Debugging
ARITH'25: Kulkarni, Panchekha arxiv
Target-Aware Implementation of Real Expressions
ASPLOS'25: Saiki, Brough, Regehr, Ponce, Pradeep, Akhileshwaran, Tatlock, Panchekha arxiv
Implementation and Synthesis of Math Library Functions
POPL'24: Briggs, Lad, Panchekha doi arxiv talk
Distinguished Paper
Odyssey: An Interactive Workbench for Expert-Driven Floating-Point Expression Rewriting
UIST'23: Misback, Chan, Saiki, Jun, Tatlock, Panchekha doi arxiv
Making Interval Arithmetic Robust to Overflow
ARITH'23: Flatt, Panchekha conf arxiv
Optimal Heap Limits for Reducing Browser Memory Use
OOPSLA'22: Kirisame, Shenoy, Panchekha doi arxiv
Small Proofs from Congruence Closure
FMCAD'22: Flatt, Coward, Willsey, Tatlock, Panchekha doi arxiv
Choosing Mathematical Function Implementations for Speed and Accuracy
PLDI'22: Briggs, Panchekha doi
Combining Precision Tuning and Rewriting
ARITH'21: Saiki, Flatt, Panchekha, Tatlock doi
egg: Fast and Extensible Equality Saturation
POPL'21: Willsey, Nandi, Wang, Flatt, Tatlock, Panchekha doi
Distinguished Paper, SIGPLAN Research Highlight
Scalable yet Rigorous Floating-Point Error Analysis
SC'20: Das, Briggs, Gopalakrishnan, Krishnamoorthy, Panchekha doi
Best Student Paper
Modular Verification of Web Page Layout
OOPSLA’19: Panchekha, Ernst, Tatlock, & Kamil doi
Functional Programming for Compiling and Decompiling Computer-Aided Design
ICFP’18: Nandi, Wilcox, Panchekha, Blau, Grossman, & Tatlock doi
Verifying that Web Pages have Accessible Layout
PLDI’18: Panchekha, Geller, Ernst, Tatlock, & Kamil doi
Finding Root Causes of Floating Point Error
PLDI’18: Sanchez-Stern, Panchekha, Lerner, & Tatlock doi
Automated Reasoning for Web Page Layout
OOPSLA’16: Panchekha, & Torlak doi
Automatically Improving Accuracy for Floating Point Expressions
PLDI’15: Panchekha, Sanchez-Stern, Wilcox, & Tatlock doi
Distinguished Paper
Verdi: A Framework for Implementing and Formally Verifying Distributed Systems
PLDI’15: Wilcox, Woos, Panchekha, Tatlock, Wang, Ernst, & Anderson doi
Expressing and Verifying Probabilistic Assertions
PLDI’14: Sampson, Panchekha, Mytkowicz, McKinley, Grossman, & Ceze doi
CS 3550, Web Software Development I (Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
CS 4560, Web Browser Internals (Fall 2019, Fall 2021, Spring 2024)
CS 4470, Compilers (Spring 2021, Spring 2023)
CS 2100, Discrete Structures (Spring 2022)
CS 6110, Software Verification (Spring 2020)
Chair: POPL 2022 AEC, FPTalks 2021, POPL 2021 AEC, FPTalks 2020
Panel: NSF 2024
PC: POPL 2025, ARITH 2024, OOPSLA 2024, ARITH 2023, POPL 2022, PLDI 2021
ERC/Special: ASPLOS 2025, PLDI 2024, ASPLOS 2021, PLDI 2020
Other: Correctness 2024, SDD 2023, PLDI 2021 SRC, PLDI 2016 AEC
Internal: Undergrad Research (2023–), GradSAC 2020–, Website 2020–2023, Diversity 2019–2022, Admissions 2020
Dean's teaching recognition (2021)
V8 Research Grant (2021)
Google Faculty Research Award (2020)
Adobe Research Fellowship (2016)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2015)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention (2014)
Wissner-Slivka Endowed Graduate Fellowship (2013)
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (2013)
Assistant Professor in CS at the University of Utah (2019–)
Ph.D. in CS at the University of Washington (2013–2019)
- Advised by Michael D. Ernst and Zachary Tatlock
- Ph.D. candidacy in Computer Science (awarded 2017)
- Master's degree in Computer Science (awarded 2015)
B.S. in Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010–2013)
Other Papers
Incremental Bidirectional Typing via Order Maintenance
WITS'25: Porter, Kirisame, Mulcahy, Panchekha, Omar
Synthesizing Mathematical Identities with E-graphs
EGRAPHS'22: Briggs, Panchekha doi
Correctness-preserving Compression of Datasets and Neural Network Models
Correctness'20: Joseph, Chalapathi, Bhaskara, Gopalakrishnan, Panchekha, Zhang doi
Towards Multi-Precision, Multi-Format Numerics
Correctness’19: Thien, Zorn, Panchekha, & Tatlock doi
Combining Tools for Optimization and Analysis of Floating-Point Computations
FM’18 short: Becker, Panchekha, Darulova, & Tatlock doi
Generating Interactive Web Pages from Storyboards
FSE’16 doctoral symposium: Panchekha doi
Toward a Standard Benchmark Format and Suite for Floating-Point Analysis
NSV’16: Damouche, Martel, Panchekha, Qiu, Sanchez-Stern, & Tatlock doi
Blame Trees
WADS’13: Demaine, Panchekha, Wilson, & Yang doi
Distributed Shared State with History Maintenance
MIT technical report 2013, Panchekha & Brodsky doi
Virtual Machines for Graphics Code
Apr 2023, invited talk, Adobe Research
FPBench: Standards, benchmarks, and tools for the floating point community
Nov 2021, keynote, Intel ARITH 2021
Towards Numerical Assistants
July 2020, keynote, NSV 2020
FPCore: Standard Format for FP Analysis Tools
November 2019, tutorial, Supercomputing 2019
Verifying Web Pages
October 2019, seminar, MIT
October 2019, seminar, Harvard
October 2019, invited talk, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
September 2019, research forum, Utah
September 2019, invited talk, State of the Art in Program Synthesis
August 2019, colloquium, Utah
July 2019, invited talk, MSR
March 2019, invited talk, Purdue
February 2019, invited talk, University of Utah
September 2018, invited talk, RacketCon
September 2018, seminar, UW
May 2018, invited talk, PNW PLSE
Numerical Tools for Non-expert Users
January 2018, invited talk, MSR Redmond.
August 2017, Dagstuhl.
August 2017, invited talk, MPI-SWS Saarbrücken.
Automatically Improving Accuracy for Floating Point Expressions
April 2016, invited talk, Google.
March 2016, seminar, MIT.
January 2016, invited talk, MathWorks.
October 2015, seminar, UW CSE Affiliates Day.
October 2015, seminar, University of Washington.
January 2015, invited talk, Reservior Labs.
March 2014, invited talk, Dropbox.
Next-generation Eventual Consistency
January 2015, invited talk, Facebook.
Adobe (2016): automatic reasoning framework for web page layout
Dropbox (2013): model checking for synchronization algorithms
MIT CSAIL (2011–2012): novel eventually-consistent shared state algorithm.
MIT Mathematics (2012): parallelized elliptic curve point-counting computation.
Dropbox (2011): wrote distributed profiler for server farms.
Fairleigh Dickinson University (2009–2010): autonomous jeep control